Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Back Issue
June 2015 - Volume 14, Issue 2
Table of Contents
Research article
Effect of Intensive Exercise in Early Adult Life on Telomere Length in Later Life in Men
Merja K. Laine, Johan G. Eriksson, Urho M. Kujala, Rahul Raj, Jaakko Kaprio, Heli M. Bäckmand, Markku Peltonen, Seppo Sarna
2015, 14(2), 239-245

Research article
Difference Between Adolescent and Collegiate Baseball Pitchers in the Kinematics and Kinetics of the Lower Limbs and Trunk During Pitching Motion
Masahiro Kageyama, Takashi Sugiyama, Hiroaki Kanehisa, Akira Maeda
2015, 14(2), 246-255

Research article
Predicting Vertical Jump Height from Bar Velocity
Amador García-Ramos, Igor Štirn, Paulino Padial, Javier Argüelles-Cienfuegos, Blanca De la Fuente, Vojko Strojnik, Belén Feriche
2015, 14(2), 256-262

Research article
Hydration and Thermoregulation During a Half-Ironman Performed in Tropical Climate
Michelle Baillot, Olivier Hue
2015, 14(2), 263-268

Research article
Neuromuscular and Blood Lactate Responses to Squat Power Training with Different Rest Intervals Between Sets
André Martorelli, Martim Bottaro, Amilton Vieira, Valdinar Rocha-Júnior, Eduardo Cadore, Jonato Prestes, Dale Wagner, Saulo Martorelli
2015, 14(2), 269-275

Research article
Lower Extremity Biomechanical Relationships with Different Speeds in Traditional, Minimalist, and Barefoot Footwear
William Fredericks, Seth Swank, Madeline Teisberg, Bethany Hampton, Lance Ridpath, Jandy B. Hanna
2015, 14(2), 276-283

Research article
Changes of Gait Parameters and Lower Limb Dynamics in Recreational Runners with Achilles Tendinopathy
SungJoong Kim, JaeHo Yu
2015, 14(2), 284-289

Research article
Body Weight Independently Affects Articular Cartilage Catabolism
W. Matt Denning, Jason G. Winward, Michael Becker Pardo, J. Ty Hopkins, Matthew K. Seeley
2015, 14(2), 290-296

Research article
Microcurrent Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation Facilitates Regeneration of Injured Skeletal Muscle in Mice
Hiroto Fujiya, Yuji Ogura, Yoshitaka Ohno, Ayumi Goto, Ayane Nakamura, Kazuya Ohashi, Daiki Uematsu, Haruhito Aoki, Haruki Musha, Katsumasa Goto
2015, 14(2), 297-303

Research article
An Approach to Identifying the Effect of Technique Asymmetries on Body Alignment in Swimming Exemplified by a Case Study of a Breaststroke Swimmer
Ross H. Sanders, Malcolm M. Fairweather, Alison Alcock, Carla B. McCabe
2015, 14(2), 304-314

Research article
Unilateral Plantar Flexors Static-Stretching Effects on Ipsilateral and Contralateral Jump Measures
Josinaldo Jarbas da Silva, David George Behm, Willy Andrade Gomes, Fernando Henrique Domingues de Oliveira Silva, Enrico Gori Soares, Érica Paes Serpa, Guanis de Barros Vilela Junior, Charles Ricardo Lopes, Paulo Henrique Marchetti
2015, 14(2), 315-321

Research article
Effects of Time-Release Caffeine Containing Supplement on Metabolic Rate, Glycerol Concentration and Performance
Adam M. Gonzalez, Jay R. Hoffman, Adam J. Wells, Gerald T. Mangine, Jeremy R. Townsend, Adam R. Jajtner, Ran Wang, Amelia A. Miramonti, Gabriel J. Pruna, Michael B. LaMonica, Jonathan D. Bohner, Mattan W. Hoffman, Leonardo P. Oliveira, David H. Fukuda, Maren S. Fragala, Jeffrey R. Stout
2015, 14(2), 322-332

Research article
Oxygen Consumption of Elite Distance Runners on an Anti-Gravity Treadmill®
David K.P. McNeill, John R. Kline, Hendrick D. de Heer, J. Richard Coast
2015, 14(2), 333-339

Research article
The Situated Management of Safety during Risky Sport: Learning from Skydivers’ Courses of Experience
Sara Mohamed, Vincent Favrod, Roberta Antonini Philippe, Denis Hauw
2015, 14(2), 340-346

Research article
Expression of Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) in Aged Skeletal Muscles Depends on the Frequency and Duration of Exercise Training
Jeong-Seok Kim, Young-Hee Lee, Do-Yourl Choi, Ho-Keun Yi
2015, 14(2), 347-353

Research article
Estimation of Center of Mass Trajectory using Wearable Sensors during Golf Swing
Bijan Najafi, Jacqueline Lee-Eng, James S. Wrobel, Ruben Goebel
2015, 14(2), 354-363

Research article
Effects of Dietary Acid Load on Exercise Metabolism and Anaerobic Exercise Performance
Susan L. Caciano, Cynthia L. Inman, Elizabeth E. Gockel-Blessing, Edward P. Weiss
2015, 14(2), 364-371

Research article
Maximal Oxygen Uptake cannot be Determined in the Incremental Phase of The Lactate Minimum Test on a Cycle Ergometer
Willian Eiji Miyagi, Elvis de Souza Malta, Alessandro Moura Zagatto
2015, 14(2), 372-378

Research article
Efflux of Creatine Kinase from Isolated Soleus Muscle Depends on Age, Sex and Type of Exercise in Mice
Juozas Baltusnikas, Tomas Venckunas, Audrius Kilikevicius, Andrej Fokin, Aivaras Ratkevicius
2015, 14(2), 379-385

Research article
Individual versus Standardized Running Protocols in the Determination of VO2max
Paula F. Sperlich, Hans-Christer Holmberg, Jennifer L. Reed, Christoph Zinner, Joachim Mester, Billy Sperlich
2015, 14(2), 386-393

Research article
Negative Associations between Perceived Training Load, Volume and Changes in Physical Fitness in Professional Soccer Players
Asier Los Arcos, Raul Martínez-Santos, Javier Yanci, Jurdan Mendiguchia, Alberto Méndez-Villanueva
2015, 14(2), 394-401

Research article
Biomechanical Analysis of Abdominal Injury in Tennis Serves. A Case Report
François Tubez, Bénédicte Forthomme, Jean-Louis Croisier, Caroline Cordonnier, Olivier Brüls, Vincent Denoël, Gilles Berwart, Maurice Joris, Stéphanie Grosdent, Cédric Schwartz
2015, 14(2), 402-412

Research article
Altitude Exposure at 1800 m Increases Haemoglobin Mass in Distance Runners
Laura A. Garvican-Lewis, Iona Halliday, Chris R. Abbiss, Philo U. Saunders, Christopher J. Gore
2015, 14(2), 413-417

Research article
A Longitudinal Study Investigating the Stability of Anthropometry and Soccer-Specific Endurance in Pubertal High-Level Youth Soccer Players
Dieter Deprez, Martin Buchheit, Job Fransen, Johan Pion, Matthieu Lenoir, Renaat M. Philippaerts, Roel Vaeyens
2015, 14(2), 418-426

Research article
Intra and Inter-Rater Reliability of Screening for Movement Impairments: Movement Control Tests from The Foundation Matrix
Carolina R. Mischiati, Mark Comerford, Emma Gosford, Jacqueline Swart, Sean Ewings, Nadine Botha, Maria Stokes, Sarah L. Mottram
2015, 14(2), 427-440

Research article
Reliability of Three-Dimensional Linear Kinematics and Kinetics of Swimming Derived from Digitized Video at 25 and 50 Hz with 10 and 5 Frame Extensions to the 4th Order Butterworth Smoothing Window
Ross H. Sanders, Tomohiro Gonjo, Carla B. McCabe
2015, 14(2), 441-451

Research article
Evaluation of Electromyographic Frequency Domain Changes during a Three-Minute Maximal Effort Cycling Test
Ran Wang, David H. Fukuda, Jeffrey R. Stout, Edward H. Robinson, Amelia A. Miramonti, Maren S. Fragala, Jay R. Hoffman
2015, 14(2), 452-458

Research article
Investigating the Effects of Knee Flexion during the Eccentric Heel-Drop Exercise
Robert A. Weinert-Aplin, Anthony M.J. Bull, Alison H. McGregor
2015, 14(2), 459-465

Research article
Heart Rate Unreliability during Interval Training Recovery in Middle Distance Runners
Filippo Tocco, Irene Sanna, Gabriele Mulliri, Sara Magnani, Francesco Todde, Roberto Mura, Giovanna Ghiani, Alberto Concu, Franco Melis, Antonio Crisafulli
2015, 14(2), 466-472

Letter to editor
Somatosensory Nerve Function, Measured by Vibration Thresholds in Asymptomatic Tennis Players: A Pilot Study
Sarah Harrisson
2015, 14(2), 473-474

Letter to editor
Cardiac Biomarkers and Cycling Race
Caroline Le Goff, Jean-François Kaux, Sébastien Goffaux, Etienne Cavalier
2015, 14(2), 475-476

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